Simeona tranlstes into Quetchua
Demonstration is the most effective means of communication.
A local mom gets a chance to wash her hands.
Now they move to the feet!
Very proud of their clean hands.
First time they have ever seen dental floss. Dental health is a big problem for the people. We are trying to organize a trip by some dentists from the U.S.
Felix isn't real sure about all of this.
Chooty shows them how it is done.
Happy and clean.
While the men were working on the fence, Simeona had the ladies help shuck corn. They have to shuck it before they store it.
The girls learning shucking skills.
Tani and Ashley can shuck with the best.
Golden Corn!
Way to go ladies!!!
The foundation provided funds to purchase this mulcher. Once the harvest is over there is an abundance of useless corn stalks, but with the mulcher they can grind it up into feed for the animals.
The men looked on with great interest to see what this contraption can do.
Jerry feeding the cornstalks to demonstrate.
Works like a charm
They can use this to feed the pigs.
Perry brought from the U.S. these corn shellers. The people use their thumbs to pop the kernels of corn off the cob. It is laborious work not to mention very hard on the thumbs.
The shellers will significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to shell the corn.
In just a few minutes all the cobs were flying out of the sheller.
Angelino couldn't believe his eyes.
Big time saver!
For $75 this contraption will have a significant impact on the wonderful people of Pirca.
OK, Let's see how this thing works.