Another project we worked on during our first visit was an adobe brick wall that would become part of an existing house. It was very interesting to watch the native construction techniques. The adobe blocks are made from native materials. They don't cost alot, but as you can see from the next few pictures, it is back breaking work. When the brick is complete the mold is removed and the new brick is left to dry on the ground. After it dries, it is turned on its side or stacked for future use. 

Sam and Malerie were doing the hard work and I was using the pick to smooth them out.
Milton and Alex showing off the stash of adobes.
At the time of this photo Milton was 11 years old. You can tell by his size that his nutrition was lacking at some point in his physical development. He is a great kid with an infectious personality. 
Joe, Peggy, Judy, Sam, Malerie and Zacarias (Javier's dad).
As we prepared to leave we sorted brown sugar, pasta, soap and other necessities into bags and gave them to a member of each household. It was a tender moment to have them express their appreciation to know that God remembered them even in this far off corner of the earth.

Separating the goodies!
This looks like a scene right out of the wild west. A table was set up in front of the church to record all the things that were being provided to the village. Each family had someone sign the book agreeing to the stipulations of the arrangement.
In return for the chainsaw, the men agreed to cut and help supply wood for each of the

Then they asked me to try out the chainsaw.
We posed with the villagers for a final photo before heading back to Cusco.
And just in case you were worried they didn't put the chainsaw to good use. We may need to teach a reforestation class next. Good thing the Eucalyptus trees grow like weeds
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